شارژ باتری Ni-Cd

Ni-Cd Charger
This is a NiCd/Ni-MH charger that can charge with constant current and automatic charge termination when the total voltage for all cells reach the setting voltage.


مدار منبع تغذیه ۱۲ ولت از ۵تا۳۰ آمپر

در این مدار یک رگولاتور ۱۵ ولتی (ic7815) ، و ولتاژ خروجی برابر ۱۲ ولت می باشد.

و طرفندی را پیشنهاد میکند که میتوان بسیار راحت و آسان جریان خروجی را از ۵ آمپر به ۳۰ آمپر افزایش داد.

اگر دنبال مدار منبع تغذیه ساده و کاربردی و جریان بالا میخواهید ما این مدار را پیشنهاد میکنیم.

مقدار  خازن c1 در جریان های مختلف :
۵ Amps


۱۰ Amps


۱۵ Amps


۲۰ Amps

۳۳,۰۰۰ uF

۲۵ Amps


۳۰ Amps


شارژ باتری اتوماتیک با رله

Automatic battery charger
The following automatic battery-charger design is created with a circuit that could qualify as the simplest window comparator ever built around a single transistor. It starts charging when the battery voltage drops beyond a preset value, and it stops when an upper preset voltage is attained. With the help of a precise variable voltage supply, the upper and lower voltage levels were set. The normally connected (NC) lead of the relay isn’t joined to the 15-V dc supply, which blocks this voltage from passing to the battery leads. This will accurately set the upper and lower levels. But the charging supply of 15 V dc was connected to the circuit.

شارژ باتری اتوماتیک
Automatic battery charger
با رله

شارژ باتری اسیدی

Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit

Here is a lead acid battery charger circuit using IC LM317.The IC here provides the correct charging voltage for the battery. A battery must be charged with 1/10 its Ah value. This charging circuit is designed based on this fact.The charging current for the battery is controlled by Q1,R1,R4 and R5. Potentiometer R5 can be used to set the charging current. As the battery gets charged the the current through R1 increases.

This changes the conduction of Q1. Since collector of Q1 is connected to adjust pin of IC LM317 the voltage at the output of of LM 317 increases. When battery is fully charged charger circuit reduces the charging current and this mode is called trickle charging mode.

Connect a battery to the circuit in series with a ammeter.Now adjust R5 to get the required charging current. Charging current = (1/10)*Ah value of battery.
Input to the IC must be minimum 15V to get 12 V for charging the battery .Take a look at the data sheet of LM 317 for better understanding.
Fix LM317 with a heat sink.


نمایش وضعیت شارژ باتری اسیدی ۱۲ ولت

A battery is a vital element of any battery-backed system. In many cases the battery is more expensive than the system it is backing up. Hence we need to adopt all practical measures to conserve battery life. As per manufacturer’s data sheets, a 12V rechargeable lead-acid battery should be operated within 10. IV and 13.8V. When the battery charges higher than 13.8V it is said to be overcharged, and when it discharges below 10.IV it can be deeply discharged. A single event of overcharge or deep discharge can bring down the charge-holding capacity of a battery by 15 to 20 per cent. It is therefore necessary for all concerned to monitor the charge level of their batteries continuously. But, in practice, many of the battery users are unable to do so because of non-availability of reasonably-priced monitoring equipment. The circuit idea presented here will fill this void by providing a circuit for monitoring the charge level of lead-acid batteries continuously.

شارژ باتری اتوماتیک

Automatic battery charger
Here is a simple battery charger circuit intended for 12 Volt gell-type battery. Current is limited by the 7805 regulator IC and the limiting resistor (62 ohms) to approximately 250 milliamperes, anyway most small sized gell-type battery capacities ranges from 2.5AH to 7.5AH so charging time should take several hours. When the battery is full, the regulator adjust its voltage output from 15 volts down to 5 volts automatically terminate the charging process.


منبع تغذیه ۱۲ ولت دو آمپر

As you might expect, I have several power supplies that have more than enough capacity to power my new KN-Q7 transceiver. However, my largest power supply is normally connected to my main 100W PEP SSB transceiver. It is capable of 20A and more, but it’s not easy to connect other equipment to it. I also have a smaller 8A power supply, but I use this to power some other VHF and UHF transceivers. In short, I wanted a simple power supply which I could dedicate to this new transceiver.





شارژ باتری اتوماتیک

Automatic battery charger automatically starts the charging procedure when battery voltage drops below a certain predefined value and stops after the voltage has risen above the maximum allowed value. Setup can’t be easier, just connect two alligator clips to battery terminals and plug the device in mains. This way it can stay connected for months and the battery will never overcharge. This comes very very handy when you have a scooter or a real motorcycle that you don’t drive during the winter time. Because we all know what happens to a battery when not used and especially during the winter.

Device consists of two main parts; power supply with current and voltage regulation (2 x LM317) and voltage monitoring circuit with switching relay. The charging procedure starts when voltage drops below 12.6V, and finishes when it gets to 13.8V. These values are not fixed and can be adjusted with trim-pots. The maximum charge current can also be adjusted with DIP switches. Voltage is not that critical but it must not be below 13.85V so that the charging procedure can stop.



منبع تغذیه ۱۲ ولت دوبل

۱۲V dual power supply has symmetrical voltage output +12V and -12V with limited current to 100mA. It has been built to power three OPA627 opamps of Audio DAC I am building with PCM1792 & PCM1794 chips. Circuit has on the primary side only fuse. I couldn’t find smaller than 50mA. We can connect power cord directly to the X1 connector or via power switch on the chassis. On the secondary side of transformer are connected two fuses 100mA and after them is bridge rectifier. For filtering of rectified voltage there are C1 and C2. Next are positive and negative voltage regulators 78L12 and 79L12 with decoupling capacitors C3 to C6 close to regulators. Next are small filter capacitors and also signaling LEDs connected via resistors. Output voltages are connected to 3 pin connector. For signaling of presence of voltage is enough only one LED. We can also use 2 pin connectors for LED connecting.

منبع تغذیه ۱۲ ولت دوبل


منبع تغذیه ۱۲ ولت ۲۰ آمپر

۱۲ ولت و  آمپر۲۰ منبع تغذیه . ولتاژ خروجی متغیر است از ۱۲٫۲ ولت به ۱۴٫۴V بنابراین می توان برای هر دستگاه نیاز به ولتاژ و جریان در آن محدوده تنظیم شده است. این PSU با استفاده از یک LM723 به عنوان تنظیم کننده، ۴ موازی متصل  ترانزیستور پاس محدود کننده جریان بیش از ۲۵ آمپر است .

منبع تغذیه ۱۲ ولت ۲۰ آمپر

The input transformer T1 has a primary rating of 240V for the Uk domestic supply. For North America the primary needs to be rated at 120V. The secondary must be cable of supplying 20V AC RMS at 25 Amp. F1 is the input fuse and must be a slow blow type rated at 4 amp. The supply is rectified by BR1, a 35 Amp bridge rectifier type MB356. C1 and C2 are the smoothing capacitors and the unregulated DC voltage will now be about 26V with no load.1

The bulk of the work is performed by an LM723 regulator. The preset RV1 sets the output voltage, R1 and R3 setting upper and lower voltage limits. The error signal at pin 10 feeds a darlington combination made with Q1 to Q5. The BD131 boosts current from the regulator at pin 10 and sources base current to the parallel connected 2N3055 power transistors, Q2 to Q5. Each transistor supplies up to 5 Amps of current into the load. As device parameters vary, in particular, forward current gain hFE of a power transistor, R3 to R6 aid current sharing.

With RV1 at about 10% output voltage is about 12.3 Volts. The regulation is excellent, the graph below simulates a varying load resistance of 0.5Ω to 1Ω measured across the output (Vs) in the circuit diagram. The output voltage is solid at 12.3 Volt, even at 20 Amp. Only when the load increases to 21 Amp does the output start to drop by 50mV.